Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Living Icons?

Good grief. What are the Beeb playing at?

Since when has Kate Moss been a living icon? What has she done?? And even though I quite like the Mozzer I'm not too sure he merits an entry onto the shortlist either. Come to think of it - why is Sir Macca on there? If anyone, it should be George Martin in place of Sir Paul. Kate -bleedin-Bush? WTF?

Ok, so the Beeb probably surveyed a number of different age groups and came up with the list. I think it says something about the state of the younger people in this country that their 'icon' is an alleged drug using, stick thin supermodel with no real talent except for standing around looking (supposedly) attractive.

Who would I have in the list? Well, Tom Baker for a start. Why? Cos he deserves it, so there.

1 comment:

Nik Hewitt said...

Have you seen Icons?

£750k of Government money. May I humbly recommend starting with my own contribution -

Your right though. That list is bobbo.

L ;-)